Prof. Andreas Moritz MD, DMD
Founder President SOLA India
Dept. of Conservative Dentistry
Dental School, University of Vienna
Endodontist by specialization; he has authored an extensive and comprehensive book on Lasers in Dentistry. A good speaker he has experienc of more than 12 years in operating Laser of various wavelengths. |
Prof. Roleand De Moor, MSc., PhD.
Deputy Vice President Sola
Faculty on Endodontics & Conservative
He is into private practice at Belgium. |
Dr. Christoph Kurzmann
Secretary of the board, International Society for Oral Laser Applications
Senior staff, Bernhard-Gottlieb University Clinic of Dentistry, Medical University of Vienna, Austria |
Dr Markus Laky
Senior staff, Department of Dental Education, Bernhard Gottlieb School of Dentistry
Sensengasse 2a, 1090 Vienna |
President SOLA International
Dr. Naresh Thukral
A graduate from Nair Hospital Dental College,Mumbai.
Took keen interest in Dental Lasers and introduced Hard and Soft tissue lasers in India in the year 2000. Alongwith Dr Anil Shah completed the Masters’ degree certificate from Vienna in 2004.
Formed the SOLA-India as Founder President
President Academy of Oral Laser Applications and a Faculty Executive member of Board,SOLA- International |
Dr. Anil Shah, Ex-President SOLA India
B.D.S. from Gujarat Dental College, Ahmedabad,
First one to introduce Lasers in South Gujarat. He has all the Lasers – soft tissue & hard tissue at his private practice in Surat. More than 10 years of experience in Lasers applications. |
Dr. Mohan Vakade
Hon. Secretary SOLA India
Oral Surgeon, Prof. & Head, Vaidik Dental College, He is faculty on Oral Surgery, especially clinical demonstration on submucous fibrosis, White Lesions & soft tissue tumours. Completed his masters in Lasers from Vienna in 2007. Extensively using Lasers in his Maxillofacial practice. |
Dr. Vivek Hegde, President, SOLA India is working as a Professor & head, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontincs, Rangoonwala Dental College, Pune. He has done many presentations at the State & the National level conferences. In addition he also has conducted hands on courses in Endodontics in many places. He has authored/coauthered articles published in local, National & International Journal. He also runs a weekend in house Academy called CDE-Endoprostho in Rangoonwala Dental College, Pune. |
Dr. Kashmira Sudhir Kothari
BDS(Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental college and hospital),Pune
MD(Dental Lasers),Vienna
Clinical experience of over seven years in Dental lasers |